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     The 'swayamvara' is still conducted by some cultures in India.  In this event, the bride and groom choose their life partner by themselves on the spot.  We can modify this event using the 'Algorithm' and conduct it successfully according to modern needs.

Description of Algorithm:
1. We select 100 prospective brides and 100 grooms.  An equal number is a must.
2. We send all the info. about 100 girls to each boy.  We also send info. about all the boys to each girl.
3. We ask each girl and boy to rank his or her candidates according to their preference (from best to worst).
4. We mark a day; invite people and assemble all the 200 future husbands and wives there.  It is a large empty hall, separated into halves by a tied long rope.  One side boys and the other side girls.  Now, the stage is set.
5. Men are always proposers and women are acceptors.  We ask all the gentlemen to go to the women's side and propose to their best choice or top rankers in their list.
6. What will happen?  Most men may crowd around a particular girl and propose.  A few men will scatter and go to some other girls.  Some girls may accept the proposals according to their ranks.  Some men may get rejected,  Those men whose proposals are accepted are said to be provisionally engaged. And they are eliminated from the session.  That is the first round.
7. All the men who are not engaged are allowed to propose in the next round to their next choices.  But all the 100 girls will be there.  If the girls get a better choice than the current partner, they can 'trade it off'.  That is, they can reject the current partner and engage the new proposer.  The rejected men can once again join the session.
8.  The above process is repeated again and again (round after round) until all are engaged.

    The algorithm guarantees that 'everyone gets married'.  The marriages are stable and cheating is not possible.
    This procedure is called the Gale-shapely algorithm and also known as the 'deferred acceptance algorithm'.  This algorithm can also be used for selecting room-mates, colleges, hospitals, etc.
    This is the scientific -way to conduct 'match-making event' -"Swayamvara".


  1. Rejections may affect the confidence of the people participating and too many proposals might increase the personal ego from person to person. Too pro-modern for an Indian setup but complete online methodology might work instead of a f2f setup. The algorithm might apply for non personal models like room allotments or room-mates but human emotions might get affected in the process and may cause chaos. Nice thinking


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