You can eat some food in plenty and stay fit and healthy. How to find such foods scientifically.
We have to learn one concept called 'energy density'. For example, take the banana-medium sized. Its weight is 118 grams and it yields 105 calories. Divide the energy by weight. 105/118 =0.89. That is energy density of banana. It is the energy yielded by one gram of food item. Every food has its own energy density. Now, plot a graph, taking 'weight of food (grams) which 100 calories' along x axis and energy densities of the foods along Y-axis. Plot points for all the available foods.
The curve is less steep initially. The curve becomes steeper as the energy densities of the foods increases. Meaning: 'Even if you eat high energy density foods in small quantity, you will get lot of calories". There is one energy rich food called 'croissant'. It is a butter rich pastry. Its energy density is nearly 4. That means, you will only need 25 grams of croissant to get 100 calories. But the energy density of banana is less than one. You can take 100 grams of banana and get only 100 calories. You will also feel satisfied and full after taking the banana.
The energy density '2' is the magic number. The food items having energy density less than 2 are safe. You can eat them in good quantities and stay healthy. But you have to careful with energy rich foods(above2). One creamy, sugary meal may give you more than 1000 calories. But for the entire day, you require only 2000 calories. Always swap energy rich foods with less energy foods. Instead of chocolate milk shake, you can take clear vegetable soup.
Go for fresh colorful vegetables, fruits, lean meats, unsaturated fats and fibers. They make us feel full and protect us against diseases.
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