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Showing posts from July, 2020


     ADVT:  SMART DOOR LOCK FROM AMAZON      The 'swayamvara' is still conducted by some cultures in India.  In this event, the bride and groom choose their life partner by themselves on the spot.  We can modify this event using the 'Algorithm' and conduct it successfully according to modern needs. Description of Algorithm: 1. We select 100 prospective brides and 100 grooms.  An equal number is a must. 2. We send all the info. about 100 girls to each boy.  We also send info. about all the boys to each girl. 3. We ask each girl and boy to rank his or her candidates according to their preference (from best to worst). 4. We mark a day; invite people and assemble all the 200 future husbands and wives there.  It is a large empty hall, separated into halves by a tied long rope.  One side boys and the other side girls.  Now, the stage is set. 5. Men are always proposers and women are acceptors.  We ask all the ge...


                    VISIT:  STATISTICS LAB ONLINE   for interactive and animated experiments.      We will explore circles and wheels in a new angle in this article.  We know wheels and circles are everywhere.  The wheel is highly useful as a 'moving device'.      In an artificial world, we find wheels everywhere.  If they are so efficient, why does not nature use it?  But all animals have legs, not wheels. The most likely reason is that wheels need axles; if wheels were part of the animal's body; the animals would need axles too.  These axles would have to carry the sinews and blood vessels and after a couple of rotations, they would become horribly twisted.  Hence the wheel and axle are impossible biologically.     If you drag any object on the floor, it will be difficult and will consume a lot of energy.  But if you roll anything (a wheel)...


     ADVT:  SMART DOOR LOCK FROM AMAZON The article has some math.  But it will be fun and exciting.    Consider the point P(2,3) in the graph.  It has x-coordinate 2 and Y-coordinate 3.  We can draw an arrow mark from the origin to the point and call it a vector and represent it by (2,3).      Multiply the vector by this matrix.       The product yields a vector (-3,2).  Mark it in the graph.  Note, the original vector is rotated by 90 degrees.  A matrix can rotate, shear, scale, unshape a vector, or a point in the graph.  Hence this technique is widely used in computer graphics.     Now consider the vector (0,0) or origin and multiply it by the same matrix. [0  -1  *  [0      =  [0 1   0]        0]         0]      The vector is not distributed.  That is, the o...


      ADVT: SMART DOORBELL IN AMAZON       Everybody wants to achieve financial independence as early as possible.  Once we stopped working for others, we can live our lives fully - soul-satisfying     Suppose one is employed and his lively-hood totally depends on salary and no other income or asset.  How can he plan for early retirement?  I will give you one formula that will empower you to retire early.  Yes, math can change your life.     Say, S is your yearly savings and E is your yearly expenses.  First, we have to find 'savings to expenses ratio'- STE or S/E.  Suppose your savings is one lakh per year and the expenses is 6 lakhs per year, STE = 1/6=0.166 If  savings is 20 lakh and expenses are only 10 lakh, then, S/E =20/10=2.      We got STE.  Let us assume that you invest your savings in a financial instrument that gives a rate of interest 'r'.  After 't' years, y...


     ADVT:  SMART DOORBELL IN AMAZON          We know, water flows from a reservoir down to the sea through its path as a river. In an electrical circuit, a battery is the reservoir of negatively charged electrons. There is a surplus of electrons in the negative end and there is a want of electrons on the positive side. Hence the electrons want to flow back to the battery (from negative to positive through a wire). Here, the electrons circulate. Hence the name 'electrical circuit'. Even though the electrons flow from the negative end to the positive end, the conventional current is taken to flow from positive to negative. Since the electrons are negatively charged.      Let us now come to its working. The current - electrons start from negative; it immediately encounters an obstacle called resistance R1; the electrons can not cross the resistance easily, so pressure builds up; we say a voltage develops across the resist...


      ADVT:  SMART DOORBELL IN AMAZON       Price raises and hence salary is raised.  (DA- dearness allowance for commodities getting dearer).  More money flows and price again shoots up.  The salary is pushed up again.  This is a vicious circle in economics.  It cannot be eliminated.  A small amount (2-3%) money inflation is welcome.  It has a number of positive effects. In India, in the last 30 years, salary has gone from a thousand rupees to more than a lakh.  The house rent has gone from a few hundred rupees to more than ten thousand rupees.     In India, the average inflation rate per year is 5%-7%.     Suppose your house rent is 7000 INR now.  What will be the rent after 5 years, taking inflation at 6%?  There is a simple formula. Price after  n years   = price now*(1+r)^n r- rate of inflation in decimal form Rent after  5 years   = 7000*(1+.06...


              ADVT:  SMART DOORBELL IN AMAZON     With proper keys, we can lock and unlock a safe or secret.  Consider the following two strings of the alphabet.       ABCDEF.............Z AB             ABCDEF.................ZYZ     In the second string, each letter is shifted to third place.  A corresponds to C, B to D; C to E, and so on.  Suppose, you want to send the message 'BAD' you send DCF and also send 'Three' as the key .  The receiver can decode the message by shifting the alphabets to third place in the backward direction. Hence key plays key-role in cryptography.      To further strengthen our secrets, we can have a double key.  One is called the public key and the other is the private key.  Using the public key, anyone can encrypt the message and sent it through public channels.  No one can decrypt the secret message ...


      You can eat some food in plenty and stay fit and healthy .   How to find such foods scientifically.       We  have to  learn one concept called 'energy density ' .   For example, take the banana-medium sized .   Its weight is 118 grams and it yields 105 calories .   Divide the energy by weight .   105/118 =0.89 .   That is energy density of banana .   It is the energy yielded by  one gram   of  food item .   Every food has its own energy density.       Now, plot a graph, taking 'weight of food (grams) which 100 calories' along x axis and energy densities of the foods along Y-axis .   Plot points for all the available foods.     The curve is less steep initially .   The curve becomes steeper as the energy densities of the foods increases .   Meaning: 'Even if you eat high energy density foods i...