Duration of one generation is 25 years. The number of ancestors of your age you have at any point in the past is 2^y/25, with y being number of years ago. For example, 100 years ago (2^100/25 = 2^4 = 16) Your sixteen grandparents would have been your age.
750 years ago, you would have more than a billion ancestors of your age. But there is an error. The world population was said to be only 300 million in 11th century. Where the calculation went wrong. Some of the ancestors might have married their cousins. That means, their children would have had only six grandparents rather than eight.
A- Generation number
B- Number of years before your birth
C- Number of ancestors in that generation
D- Total ancestors
1. -25 2 2
2. -50 4 6
3. -75 8 14
4. -100 16 30
5. -125 32 62
6. -150 64 126
7. -175 128 254
8. -200 256 510
9. -225 512 1022
10. -250 1024 2046
assuming no marriage among cousins.
Hence, 1000 years before, or 40 generations before you, you would have a trillion, 199 billion, 23 million, 255 thousand, 550 ancestors born in the previous 40 generations. That is why, we said, "all those who lived in 1200 s would have been your ancestors".
We can also say, 'you and a random stranger anywhere on the planet are likely to share an ancestor from 1600s.
1. Population today - 08-05-2020, 7783050750
2. Growth rate as of today 1.05%
3. Expected population in 2050, 9.7 billion or 10 billion.
4. The population was one billion in 1804.
5. The number of people ever lived in this planet-earth is said to be in the range 90 to 110 billion.
6. 151600 die every day.
7. 360000 born every day
8. Average life expectancy is 67 years.
We separate ourselves with class, color, creed, race, language etc. When we zoom into the past, everything mingles into one. We are the birds of same feather; we must flock together.
As one poet said,
"every place is my home
each one is my brother".
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