Once upon a time, a man climbed a high mountain. He went through the floating clouds. He turned opposite to the sun, there appeared a giant man with the multi-color halo around his head. He shivered. Now the science explains this phenomenon. It is called the 'brocken spectre' named after a mountain peak. Also called 'solar glory'.
The giant man is nothing but his own distorted shadow. The sun light passed through the raindrops in the cloud. Refraction, prismatic effect and interference of sun light creates Rainbow coloured halo around the shadow's head.
This glory can be seen while travelling in a airplane. The plane's shadow will be cast on the clouds surrounded by the 'glory'. Please occupy middle of the aircraft to watch it.
1. The glory will always appear opposite to the sun like a rainbow.
2. Clouds,mist, water sheet must be present.
3. The observer must be present above the clouds. Hence it can only be seen from a height (tall building, airplane, mountains)
Without science, we will only be afraid of solar glory and will build many stories around it.
Without scientific explanation, the solar eclipse brought "apocalypse", the final destruction of the world. It is told so.
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