We take in glucose through the food. We take in oxygen through breath. Both react to produce water,carbon-di-oxide and energy. The energy keeps us active and healthy. This is the opposite reaction of photosynthesis.
Oxygen atom has six electrons. Any atom which has eight electrons feel satisfied and complete like "Houseful show". This is called 'octet' rule in chemistry. Hydrogen has only one electron. An oxygen bonds with two hydrogen atoms and share its electrons. As a result, the oxygen gets eight electrons and H2O -water is formed. This is how water is formed in the energy giving glucose reaction.
Since oxygen is always short of two electrons. It is highly reactive. It easily removes electrons from other suitable atoms. This is called 'oxidation'.
A small percentage of oxygen in our body combines with one hydrogen atom and forms OH radical. It is short of one electron. It is electron hungry. It always looks for an electron to combine with. These are called 'free radicals'. They easily react[ oxidation] with our body components and do the damage. They are said to be responsible for aging.
To fight oxidation, we need anti-oxidant food. They are onions, garlic, egg plant, grapes, carrots, spinach, tea, seafood, milk dark chocolates etc.
These food supply necessary electrons to the free radicals and calm them up.
Hence do not forget to add these food items in daily diet. They will keep your body young.
Note: Electrons always want to live in pairs like humans! That is why the lone electron in the free radical want an alliance with another electron.
The oxygen we take-in is not only life giving but also life damaging.