We always worry about our flaws. If one's nose does not have a perfect shape, he worries a lot. But, do you know, in spite of our flaws, many people still love us.
The matchmaking site "OK Cupid" conducted one experiment. The site used a 'five-star rating' system, for attractiveness. OkCupid wanted to find out how this attractiveness score relates to the number of messages received from interested persons. So a sample of 500 women all between the age of twenty and twenty-seven and all living in the same city, was monitored over the course of a month and the data analyzed.
During the study, one "Ms.Attractive" had an average attractiveness score of 3.4 and the other Ms. Controversial had an average attractiveness score of 3.3. You would expect these two ladies to receive a similar amount of online attention, but there was actually a pretty big difference, with Ms.controversial receiving around three times more messages than Ms.Attractive.
Ms. Attractive's most common score was 4, followed by 3, etc. In general, most people thought she was reasonably attractive.
But, Ms. Controversial's most common scores were 1s and 5s. People either loved her or hated her. There was a lot of disagreement But in the world of online, the haters do not matter the lovers do, resulting in Ms. controversial having many more online messages sent her way.
The pattern is curious and the mathematics hints at something important. "embrace your flaws". Make yourself more controversial. A flaw for one person is a draw for another.
Some may like the girlish look in a boy. Some others may like the boyish look in a girl. "Beauty lies in the beholder's of the eye".
CEO of Google, Sundar Pitchai once said, "Wear your defeats, dishonor, flaws proudly. They will bring victories." If you are controversial, you are successful.
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