In arctic regions, there is only ice. How to save ourselves from freezing?
The snow is made up ice-crystals or simply ice powder. It can be compressed into a block like brick. It has many air pockets. Hence a block of snow is good insulator. It will not allow heat to pass through.
A round hole is dogged in the earth. The blocks of snow is arranged around the hole. Then a dome like structure is constructed on the hole. This shape gives good strength. A small entrance is curve out at the bottom of the structure so that chill wind cannot enter. This is Igloo, the house of Eskimos.
When the people are inside the igloo, the body heat cannot escape because of snow blocks. Snow blocks simply traps the heat. Then the temperature inside the igloo slowly raises, as much as above 40 degree than outside. Suppose a oil lamp is lit inside, it will further increase the temperature. So igloo which is made up of ice keep the people warm and safe.
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