The candle, a stick of wax (oil) burns with oxygen and produce CO2 and water. Also gives out light and heat energy.
We take in carbs (carbohydrates), oil, fat. They are converted into glucose in our body. We also inhale oxygen. The glucose burns (reacts) with oxygen and yield CO2 which we exhale out; water which the body eliminates. In this process also, the energy in the forms of heat, invisible light is released. The body uses this energy for its functioning. Here the invisible light is infra-red radiation. Our body continuously emit IR waves. That is why, we and animals can be detected using infra red cameras and binoculars even in the dark night. Also our body is warm and above the room temperature always.
Medical science says the vital parameters of our body are 1. Temperature 2. oxygen level 3. Heart pulse rate 4. Blood pressure. Now we are able to understand, why they are vitals.
A dancer glow more with IR radiation because she work vigorously and also burn the food vigorously.
An average adult uses 2000 calories of energy daily. Hence we should plan our intake of food around 2000 calories. If we take more food than required, the sugars and carbs are converted into fat and stored as a reserve for future. Hence our body weight goes up.
This is the food-rich world. We are facing the problem of plenty. We come across special occasions like wedding frequently. We are offered sumptuous dinner every now and then. In a mall, there is not a single food item without sugars.
Hence the responsibility is on us. Watch and measure what you take in. Do not hesitate to say "No' to extra food.
Lead a long and healthy life.
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