All the illegal activities takes place under the cover of darkness. Police and military requires devices to see in the darkness. There are mainly two principles. Using which night goggles, binoculars, cameras work.
We receive signals of tiny voltage in our smart phones. That signal is strengthen (amplified) by electronic circuits and converted into clear voice, picture and video.
Even in darkness, a small amount of light is present due to stars, moon, distant lights etc. This little light reflected from the objects can be amplified by night vision instruments and present a picture or video to us. Even tiny amount of light is enough because the instrument can amplify it thousands of time. But, if you see a normal light using this night vision equipment, you will be blinded by the amplified heavy intensity of light.
Buildings, trees, water bodies, man, animals all are always warm-above freezing point. Hence their molecules continuously emit infra-red rays (invisible light) day and night. Using suitable instruments, we can capture these infra-red rays and produce images.
From TV remote, infrared rays goes and activate the TV.
Switch on your smart phone camera. Point the TV remote to the camera lens. You can see a spot of light in the screen. Human eyes cannot see the IR rays, but a camera can. Again note, a highly active man, glow more with infra red rays.
The universe emits lot of Radio waves (again invisible light), using Radio telescope(like dish antenna), we gather lot of info about the universe. The recent "black-hole" photograph was composed using radio waves.
If you ask, "How to find out what one does is right or wrong"?
The answer: If you do an activity openly and boldly, it is right. If you do something in dark and hiding, mostly it is wrong.
Make no mistake; have no fear for dark.
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