You cannot gain one thing without losing another. No thorn, No rose. That is the philosophy of life and as well as science.
Take a flowing air or water. As the speed increases, the pressure should drop. Or if the pressure rises, the speed will go down. That is Bernoulli's principle employed in air-planes etc.
Consider falling stone, or water falls. Here, as potential energy goes down, kinetic energy will pick up.
Next, Electric transformer, voltage can only be increased at the cost of current or vice versa.
Take gear systems, either force or speed can be increased. Both cannot be increased together.
whenever there is oxidation [lose of electrons, say, at negative of battery], there must be reduction [gain of electrons at positive]
The principle of entropy, says that, if "order" is maintained at one place, disorder will arise at another place. Within the air-conditioned room, the temperature goes down. But outside the room, temperature increases.
They all arise from the fundamental physics law; "Energy is always conserved". One can not create energy. We can only manipulate it.
In our young age, we have youth and health, courage, energy etc. In the old age, we loose these things and get wealth, wisdom, rest and children. That is life. Take as it comes. Live in the present moment.
Very nice