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    We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon-di-oxide.  Plants take in carbon-di-oxide and give out oxygen during photosynthesis.  That is how, nature recycles the air.

     Water flows through the rivers to the sea.  It is evaporated from the oceans to form clouds.  The clouds pour down as rain.  The fresh, pure water is not created out of nowhere.  Water is only recycled by the nature.  We buy, brand new, fresh water bottle.  It is neither new or fresh.  But, it is already used thousands and thousands of time.  It is smartly recycled by the nature and is given to us as fresh.

     We eat the yields from the plants and trees.   Human and animal waste is the fertilizer for plants.  The entire Eco-system  goes on recycling.  Man is not able to create a closed Eco-system which recycles itself yet.

     Even we are recycled.  We eat the produce yielded by the earth, grow and work.  Finally, we are eaten by the earth.  We may become an apple, a tree or even the teeth of a child years later after our end.

     Hence, the nature successfully recycles air, water, food and life forms.  We are not able to duplicate the nature as successful as it is.  We are very successfully recycling gold jewelry with very minimum waste.  If we are able to reconstruct and reuse a car like jewels, it will not depreciate.  But the automobile waste and the electronic waste are mounting and threatening us.

     Plastic bags are threatening the environment.  We have enacted laws against the use of them.  Somewhat successfully, we are recycling the plastics.  E books, audio-books, e-money, online office, have reduced the cutting of trees and wastage of papers.  Again there is some success in harnessing renewable energies like sun, wind, water.  We buy a liter of petrol, a ton of steel, a bike.  Neither we, nor the manufacturer create anything new out of thin air.  We are only depleting the earth's reserve.

     It is high time, we give a serious thought to recycling our resources and make some innovations and inventions.

     Future wealth will be from the waste. 


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