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     We have id number, license number, credit card number, our marks, our property, our temperature, our BP, all are digits, why?  They can be stored electronically in a small space. A thumbnail-sized chip can contain volumes and volumes of info. Data can be compressed easily. Compressed data can be transmitted easily. An email arrives in no time.  The digital info can be encrypted and decrypted easily. Due to encryption,  your credit card info. is safe.  The errors in the data can also be corrected. Suppose, there is a scratch in DVD, it will still play, hence, there are so many advantages for having info. in digital form.

     But, some info. like audio, video is not available in digital form.  How they convert them into digital form. Let us find out. First, we should know what is analog data.

Analog: Something physical with continuous change.

Digital: Made of numbers.

    A girl sings before a mic. It is analog. It is actual pressure waves in the air, so it is physical with continuous change. The microphone converts varying pressures into an electrical signal. It is still analog, the electric current is physical and continuous. The electric analog signal is given below. At each micro point, it is measured and converted into a series of numbers  

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     But when it gets to your computer or phone it gets converted to digits. The analog signal is measured thousands of times a second by electronic circuits and is then saved as numbers. See the figure.

    So the 'sound' is now 12, 25, 39, 52...  In fact, it would be saved as binary numbers like 000100110011...

    Now sound wave has gone digital.

How can we hear digits?

     In special electronic circuits, the numbers will produce corresponding electrical variations (signals) that will be fed to the speaker. It will reproduce the 'original' sound.

     A picture has light info. and it is analog. A picture is two dimensional one (a frame). It has many points called 'pixels'.  Each pixel has brightness info. and color info.  Both are measured by sensors and converted into numbers. When the picture is scanned point by point, line by line, frame by frame, all the info. in the points are measured and stored as numbers, or exactly binary digits.

    We convert everything into digits which is highly convenient. We now live in the digital era.       


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