There is a popular book by name 'who moved my cheese'. It is just little booklet. The central point in the book is: 'The block of cheese will be moved now and then, the cat should be always ready to go that extra mile'. Meaning: the world will change continuously, the people must adopt and update themselves continuously.
Let us take the example of music industry. Long, long ago, music means live concert only. Then it was recorded and played on a disc using vibrating needle. Next music was recorded on a plastic tape using magnetism. It was compact than a disc. Earphones came. It helped us to listen music without disturbing others. Next music was recorded on a CD using pits and pumps which were etched by laser. Pits and bumps represents zeros and ones using which music is coded. Now,music is digitized.
Next silicon chips (electronic memory) stored music. Now, 'apps' streams desired music to your smart phone. The 'app' also recommends songs based on your taste.
Cassette tape, record player, CD, DVD, walk-man all have gone. But FM radio is still surviving. Now we have 'radio like box' which has in store thousands of songs. Any song can be searched and played.
That is the rapid evolution of music industry. Many top players in the 'music arena' have their own app. What is next?
Knowledge increases with time in every field. Today a simple professional requires more knowledge than a man who was called expert 20 years ago.
Many carriers have gone. New jobs have born. Artificial intelligence, information technology, bio-technology, block chain will revolutionize the way we live. Tomorrow computer software (algorithm) will take decision about giving loan in a bank; will allot a college seat; will drive car.
People used to say; teacher is a learner throughout his life. Today, everybody is learner and learning is a life long process. Using a smart phone is a basic skill required today like reading and writing.
To retain your position in the society and in the office; to earn money, to get elevated.
Learning, re-skilling, specializing , adopting, all required.
Just remember, even our 'mornings' have changed. Usually, we are greeted with milk pocket, news paper and radio or TV programme. Today, we have milk pockets which stays fresh for 90 days, digital news papers,and whatsapp messages.
So do not fall behind, run till the end.
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