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       In this essay, let us take some time to wonder about our own planet.
     As for as we know, this is the only and lonely planet which sustains life.  When it is looked from the moon, it appeared like beautiful blue marble.  It has little habitable land and more ocean waters.  It shelters wide spectrum of plant and animal life.  It is not like a moon which is a boring and barren land.  It has oceans, dessert, rivers, waterfalls, valleys, farms, vineyards, mountains, forests, lakes and so on.

     The earth yields flowers of many colours, designs, and smell.  We can grow sugar cane and hot hot chilli side by side.  It is wonder that the same earth yield so much variety, spice, colours, and tastes.

     All the 100 plus  elements in the periodic table can be mined out of earth's surface.  It yields so much iron and hydrogen but little gold and uranium.

     Man has discovered, invented and designed variety of buildings, wonders like taj mahal, effile tower, gadgets like TV, computer and mobile; wonder medicines; transports from a bike to a rocket, dresses, utensils so on and on.  All the required raw materials are mined from the crust of the earth.  What to wonder?  Man's ingenuity or earth's resources.

     Take any tree.  Its fruits are our food.  Its flowers elevate our mood.  Its leaves gives us the shelter.  Its trunk becomes wood.  We can make chairs,beds or even house out of it. Yet, it will again reproduce itself from the earth.

     We born from the earth.  We grow as intelligent life by consuming earth's resources air, water, vegetation.  Then we wonder about the earth and add our discovered idea and thoughts to the body of knowledge that already exists.

     Computer is made up of silicon chips.  Silicon is the chemical name of pure sand.  So the earth's crust is directly responsible for the today's information revolution.

     Take any house.  It has got bricks, marbles, glass, wood, plastics, cement , steel , sand etc,.  All are resourced and out sourced from mother earth.  Our labour is less in the raw materials.  But earth contribution is more in them.  So we salute and bow to the mother earth.   

   The kings and the common man wants to own land.  But, finally the land won us.


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