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When we approach a bank for a loan , the first question thrown at us is "where do you live?  How long you have been living in that address?" We require address for passport, ID card, driving license and for many other documents.  Without address we do not exist.

     We have been following the following system of address for very many years.  

Door no, street,
local area, land mark,
postal code.

This system of address is called S42 address standard.

    In spite of your perfect address, how many phone calls you received from couriers, friends, and strangers to locate you.  Does our address system 100% perfect?  It seems no.  

    Last mile delivery is affected due to inadequacy in the address.  Money, time, and effort is wasted in locating the proper place.  Consequently it affects the country's economy also.

     So what is the alternative?  We can use Geo code.  That is geographical coordinates of latitude and longitude.  But it is difficult to remember and convey.  People have come out with some new ideas.  The earth surface is divided into squares of side 3 m (10 feet).  We get 57 trillion square plots.  Each 10 feet square is addressed with a unique 3 word phrase.  40000 words are enough to address all the plots in the earth surface.  Let us see how?

     For example, 2 words are enough to address 8 plots or places.  Let the 2 words be give and take 


1. give.give.give
2. take . take.take
3. give.give.take
4. give.take.give
5. take.give.give
7. take.give.take

Cube root of 8 is 2
similarly, cube root of 57 trillion is 40000.  So 40000 words are enough to address all the 100 square feet (10*10) plots in the world.  

     The 3 word address of Tajmahal in India is "according . bloom.broads."

     Now install what 3 word(w3w) app. in your smart phone and find the 3 word address  for your home or any location.

    It is a open source product.  But remember the 3 word address change for every 10 feet.  So you may get multiple addresses for your home.  So we have to still innovate and find a good address system.  

    A accurate address will save lives in the case of accident, fire and emergencies.    A good address system with GPS mobile will make our life easier.

    Now is the time to address this problem.


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