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Showing posts from January, 2018


  We grow as an adult; complete our studies; find a good carrier; then select a suitable spouse; get married.  Offsprings get portions of our genes.  They grow as adults…. The story continues generation after generation.  The point here is; the fittest get married and produce off-springs. This principle can be used to solve a maths problem.   f(x) = 3.x-x^2/6.62 The above function yields different results for different values of X.  I want to find a particular value of X for which the function yields maximum.  That is, I want to maximize the function.  Let us assume that X can only take values from 0 to 31.  In a binary system, the range is 00000 to 11111(for the explanation of binary number see note 1) Let us randomly select six x values in the range 0 to 31 and evaluate the function. X- decimal X- binary f(x) = 3.x-x^2/6.62 selected? 2 00010 5.395 yes 8 01000 14.33 yes 12 01100 14.24 ...