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Showing posts from December, 2017


    One cannot think of  a mathematical step without 'is equal to ' .  It balances right hand side and left hand side.  It aids simplification and manipulation of a mathematical expression. example: 2(A+B)  = C 2A+2B  = C         2A = C-2B           A = C-2B/ 2   In an electronic calculator,  the pressing of ' = " sign executes an asthmatic expression  or simply calculates.       In computer languages, it plays very important role.                                                                 A = B   When a computer looks at this expression, the value stored in the location named B is just transferred to the storage named A .  After execution both A and B will have the same value an...


  What is the solution of X^2 + 1 = 0 ?   X^2 = -1     X = ROOT OF -1 = i    Root of -1 is meaningless and does not have any physical or real attribute.  So we call it imaginary number i.  Now a new number system is born 1i, 2i, 3i,...      Normally, positive numbers are represented in positive X - axis and negative numbers are represented in negative X - axis.  That is, 180 degree opposite to the positive numbers .Since i = (-1)^1/2 , the imaginary number should be represented half way between positive and negative numbers.  That is in Y - axis perpendicular to the X-axis.  So finally i means 90 degree rotation.      Now we take one real example.  Let there be a square table on the floor.  Let us assume that you and your friend push the table at the two sides.  that is, both of you push the table perpendicular to each other.  Commonsense says that table will move i...