If a dog bites man, it is not a news. If a man bites dog, it is a news. Anything surprise is the news and an information. If an event certainly is not going to occur then its probability of happening is 0 and it is not an information. If an event is certainly going to happen then its probability is 1 and it is also not an information. An event which is having probability between 0 and 1 carries some information. For example: In tossing of a coin getting a head or tail is having a 50% chance or 0.5 probability. Out come of the toss is an information. In the case of rolling of dice, each outcome has 1/6 chance or 0.167 probability. Certainly the outcome of a dice is the surprise and an information. Shannon gave a formula to calculate information content in an event based on probability. I want to calculate the information content of coin ...
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